Confessions of a First Generation Farmer

Welcome to our blog, where we document everything we learn as we adapt to this new way of life on the homestead.

Here we share how to cook from scratch, preserve the harvest, grow your own food and flowers, raise livestock, milk cows and goats, bake sourdough, and create herbal remedies.

I’m no stranger to vulnerability. We really do share it all in hopes that it will save you time, money, and resources.

Tar and Chip - The Best Inexpensive Roadway

The Best Inexpensive Roadway

The best inexpensive roadway is tar and chip in my opinion. We saved $62,250 on our roping arena area alone! The first option isn’t always the best choice. Lesson learned.

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Lauren With Comfrey Harvest

DIY Fertilizer

This DIY fertilizer is easy and cheap. Plus, it renews itself four times throughout the year. Learn how to make comfrey tea to fertilize your garden!

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Lauren In The Garden

Failed Fulfillments

Ever feel like you just can’t help overextending yourself? Do you find it hard to say “no” to your friends and family when you are just over your head with tasks? I do, but I’m working on my failed fulfillments.

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Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

I blessed my future self by turning The Great Chicken Massacre into a chicken pot pie recipe that’s delicious and easy to prepare with my own canned meat.

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Recipes, Tips & Tutorials Right To Your Inbox


Bread All Year Long

Despite my deep love for this perfect bread loaf, I wanted to challenge myself to try other types of breads. Every month, I attempting a new bread recipe to work on and perfect.

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Chicken Ladder

Empowering Tasks

I built a chicken ladder! I was frustrated with the drill at first, but with some pointers from my dear husband, I was able to complete it. And, it works!

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