Don’t Stress When Your Animals Escape
Having animals break through your fences will test your patience. Animals escape. But, if they associate you with food, you don’t need to stress about it. They will come right back.
Having animals break through your fences will test your patience. Animals escape. But, if they associate you with food, you don’t need to stress about it. They will come right back.
Fencing in farm animals is not fun, but I’ve learned that it’s absolutely necessary before acquiring farm animals. Ask me how I know that!
I had to teach myself how to butcher on the spot due to the unexpected and shocking Great Chicken Massacre! The good news is that I was able to save all the meat.
I made mistakes when I wanted to breed Arabelle, our heifer and first cow. With help from Bobby at Select Sires, we got it done! Learn from our mistakes breeding a milk cow so you can do it better than I did.
Learn what to do when you have a new kid (baby goat) and how to begin goat milking. All you need is a stainless-steel pale, glass jars, and a cheesecloth.
Calf sharing is when you leave the baby on the momma and share the milk. When you milk every day, it is better for the health of your animal.