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Homemade Vanilla Extract Recipe

Vanilla Extract

I cannot believe it took me this long to try.

I said I would make it, and it took me cleaning out my pantry and finding vanilla beans tucked back in a dark corner in a cupboard that I bought long ago to finally make some.

It’s only two ingredients: vanilla beans and vodka.

That’s it. That’s literally it. And patience. The extract takes 6 months minimum so waiting is key. Thanks to our weekend wedding festivities I have plenty of unopened vodka which my apothecary is grateful for, so I took to filling some ferment bottles for my homemade baking goodness.

Five beans per 8oz of vodka seems a good rule of thumb. I filled the ferment jars just above the beans with vodka. I made sure to split the bean in half for a stronger extract. Anytime I see them in my pantry I just give it a little shake. The cost of groceries is going up exponentially so I’m thankful for more and more at home skills and sometimes they are much simpler thank you think. I’ll update you in six months with how they turned out.

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