The Farmer Veteran Coalition Grant

The FVC Grant

In February of 2023, I submitted our grant application to the Farmer Veteran Coalition (the “FVC”). Our goal was to obtain a post driver, the final (and most expensive) piece we needed to be able to do all our own fencing, saving us thousands of dollars in the long run. We were awarded the $5,000 grant! God is so good, and we are deeply grateful to the Farmers Veteran Coalition and Tractor Supply for their part in making our dream of pasture rotation come true.

FVC reached out to do an interview for their newsletter. I would encourage you to sign up and join. It is free, and you learn about fellow veterans who have pursued a life of agriculture with their families, establishing a rural way of life. FVC is a nonprofit providing resources for these families. You can find them at Farmer Veteran Coalition | Mobilizing Veterans to Feed America (

The interviewer, Ken, wanted to know the specifics on my background in the military. Where were my duty stations? What was my role? And how did I wind up in agriculture. I wanted to share this interview with you because I have never gone into such detail about where I was living and what jobs I did during my six years of service.

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