
I recently branched out from my artisan, tried and true, rustic country sourdough loaf. I’ve worked with this recipe for a year and feel I’m at a place where I can make it with my eyes closed. Despite my deep love for this perfect bread loaf, I wanted to challenge myself to try other types of breads. I’ve been considering an attempt at making every type of bread and bread product from scratch. And I mean everything… Breads of course but pasta and crackers too. If it’s delicious and hearty, it has to be homemade.

Rather than going off the deep end and overwhelming myself with something completely new, I decided to follow along with Little Farm Folk and fellow homesteaders leading a challenge Bread 365. Every month attempting a new bread recipe to work on and perfect. By the end of the year you’ll have 12 new recipes in your back pocket to make for your family. This felt a lot more obtainable than my every consumption being from scratch… Maybe next year.

Today I made my first ever sandwich loaf. One thing I knew I wanted to stay true on was my deep love for sourdough. Every recipe I attempt must be fermented from my beloved starter Mildred. I thought it might be easy to mix a little yeast and warm water together and have bread within a couple hours, but frankly I was dreading it. I just didn’t have a passion for it like I do a bulk rise and a recipe that takes a day and a half to make. I knew it had to be sourdough.

I don’t eat a lot of sandwiches but my husband does. I also have a goal this year to begin replacing everyday with homemade. Unfortunately Drew has an affliction for junk food. Frozen pizza, mac and cheese from the box, cookies in a package, candy, diet soda, sugar free coffee creamer. You could say we are miles apart when it comes to the kitchen and our diets. I have made it my mission this year to begin replacing his boxed vanilla wafers with a recipe from scratch that he likes. The sugar free Nestle coffee creamer – that has to go. And don’t get me started on his diet Mountain Dew. Ugh. But did I mention he’s also extremely picky? He prefers the flavor of junk food…

So I asked him to weigh in honestly on my first loaf. I loved it! So much more than I expected I would. He said he loved the soft center but the crust was a little too crusty for his liking. I of course preferred it that way. But alas I will do whatever it takes to eliminate the processed food from our home.

So pray for me friends. As I tackle this somewhat monumental challenge. Many hours will be spent in the kitchen this year. Of course I’ll be sure to bring you along as I experiment, learn, and grow.

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